Thursday, March 24, 2005

live art

comments made on my piece:

"The moment in darkness in your room was really amazing. So dark. Real reflection on myself for a few minutes. Feels strange now entering the big, bright world that awaits outside your front door..."

"It was so relaxing and changed my perception on the environment which I live so much!"

"I found my imagination had been stimulated. The images I was visualising in my head were wicked, after first relating them to experiences in my past I began to imagine New Cross in thousands of years time as an historical ruin"



"It's definately made me appreciate the senses I neglect and opened up my perception of my surroundings"

"Oh I had so much to say but I feel a little drunk after the cognac that Tara gave me"

"Um... yes... that was... thank you..."


Blogger N Helenihi said...

I wish I could see it. Do you have a script or description? Can I come and visit?

Thursday, March 24, 2005 11:47:00 pm  
Blogger tara said...

rough description up. more to follow at some point.
sure - celine has just baked some bread and chocolate cake - say come over in about 45 minutes? ;o) cognac and chocolate waiting...

Friday, March 25, 2005 7:07:00 pm  

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