in and out in paris and london

Fred has just been round with the most curious news in a long while. he was at the pub yesterday, when a woman came over and asked if he and his girlfriend would be interested in exploring the karma sutra. it is to contribute to research for a new book by a well known (and reputable) author (nameless here but trust me he has excellent credentials) which will be exploring the karma sutra for contemporary living...
so this writer is looking for couples willing to spend a couple of days learning and becoming intimate with 2 positions from the ancient manual of pleasure and share their experiences.
what this means for Fred and his other half is an all expenses paid trip to paris, several nights in a 5 star parisien chateau hotel, plus payment for their time and energy.
Apparently there is also a kind of libertine shindig going on at the same time (in i presume the hotel) with costume and everything, where people dress up in louis XVIth apparel (powdered faces, beauty marks, big white wigs and either those intricate bodiced dresses, or fancy tails and knickerbockers) to get down to some serious hedonism and orgies. participation in this is open yet optional (and apparently coincidental, ie. not a part of said author's project)! . . .
well, the positions Fred has been asked to perform are 17 and 19, so we tried looking them up on the internet. we found them in unpostable format (i tried) and they look quite challenging - one is a vertical 69 (actually very similar to the picture here on the stone carving), and the other is ... ... impossible to describe...
all sounds somewhat far-fetched doesn't it? so, in conducting our own research, i found this writers website with a contact email... so i wrote him this...
-------Original Message-------
From: tara
Date: 01/22/06 17:16:09
Subject: in and out in paris and london..?
Dear XX,
Recently a friend of mine has been approached by someone who claims to be working for you, for your forthcoming book. Basically he and his girlfriend have been offered a job, including expenses... A trip into the deep belly of Parisien underground, for a two day introduction into two positions of the karma sutra, and with the aim of putting this new knowledge into practise for you and your literary research. Sounds tantalising, a definite adventure, and one which my dear friend is potentially open to embarking on. It is of course not every day that such an offer is laid on the table by a stranger in a london pub, so understandably doubts encroach as to the legitimacy of the proposition, (laced naturally with sense of intrigue, and a generous frisson of curious fascination).
I will keep this simple, as this leads to the obvious and important question, is this true? And if so, what exactly is the context for this research, if that would not be too much of a violation of your creative process?
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and clarification. I look forward to hearing from you,
With Kind Regards,
within the hour i received his response:
Hello Tara,
In substance and essentials, yes, it's true. The book is a new look at the Kama Sutra, with modern readers in mind. The working title is within a golden eye: the kama sutra re-lived. It will be published in the US in August 2007.
I need a couple who can "road test" some of the Kama Sutra's suggestions, and discuss the experience in an articulate way. Obviously you are well qualified for the latter and, I assume, for the former as well.
Tell me something about yourself/selves.
As for my bona fides, check my website.
Looking forward to hearing from you,

You clearly get much cooler email spam than the rest of us.
Strange women at bars usually only ask me if I'd be interested in changing my long-distance provider.
Clearly I need to start going to that pub instead!
-- seriously, sounds like interesting and unique fun to be had.. are you thinking about going for it?
haha, I was talking with a friend of mine last night and she said it would make a great chat up line! but then that's why fred was (a little bit) sceptical to begin with.
No, though, I'm not doing it. If I was in a committed relationship I think I would, ... it's a fantastic opportunity for partners to explore their sexuality together, and pleasure - sensual, emotional, physical.
and wow, being in paris, the chateau, this writer, it would be sooooo interesting. Fred is going to do it though, and another couple i know would really like to also.
follow up. this all fell through. john baxter, the writer, had second thoughts and scrapped the whole idea. pity.
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